Site Updates - 08/08/2018

HCBP Consultancy FZE is happy to share with you major updates to website as follows:
● Added a Home page showcasing some of our services
● Added a Categories section under the Blog tab where you can browse blog posts by their relevant categories. Blog posts that fall under more than one category can be found under all relevant categories
● Added a Careers tab where we advertise career opportunities at HCBP Consultancy FZE as well as opportunities with our clients
● Added a Contact Us page where you can send us your queries directly without the need to send emails if you don't wish to do so
● Enhanced the appearance of the site on mobile devices and made it more viewer/user friendly
● Added a new link to an online education provider (SKILLSHARE) in the Web Links section of the site
We hope these updates give you a better experience! Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us for any feedback on the website or its content.
Thank you for stopping by!